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Private Coaching &

Skype Training

Meet 1-2 time a week for your personal training to with a nationally awarded 

acting and development coach. Kim shares the expertise of her 30+ years expereicne  plus  the up- to-date edge you only get from actively  working hand in hand with top industry leaders and star makers. 


Aside form your weekly sessions, you will also have internet access of open communication, advice , and supprt throughout the week.




Any successful industry professional knows the value of quality training and preparation. Even  A Listers will continue their training, have intensive coaching before auditions, and they will even have their acting coaches on set or Skype with them before a big scene.

We are proud to offer up-to-date, current market relevant training. We are actively involved in the entertainment industry on a national level and work closely with some of the top star makers in the world. Therefore, we are able to stay on top of the current market trends & preferences. We frequently even bring those individuals into the area to offer incredible workshops.

Our founder, Kim Pease, is our primary development and training coach. Her 30 years in the business comes wth great insight, tips, and valuable lessons. She offers workshops and group training, as well as, private lessons in person or via Skype.



Basic Development Program

 This program offers the perfect foundation for a strong career.  Beginners and professionals alike will benfit from these interactive group sessions. We will study acting, modeling, asic industry business, monolougeys, scene  studies, imporv, and so much more. You are put int he Casting Director's seat and lean to why decisions are made in the casting room. Our goal i sto not only give you a sincere inctirnationinto the industry. But to ls have you to a pint wehre you can successfully execute a go-see or audiotn.   We are a hand-on company actively involed in the heart of the bisemss.   As opporuites arise you will be on set , eet with producers, professional photsg, and other industry professionals. 

National  Development & Placement Program

Advanced Film Acting

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